“You are only confined by the walls you
build yourself- Jewish proverb"
- Pinchs Gold is a Williamsburg-based rabbi and motivational speaker. He worked as a member of the Bikur Cholim D'Satmar, a Manhattan-non-profit organization for Jews, before starting “the world’s largest digital synagogue” for Jewish folk, a telephone system which allows praying with a minyam.
- The main aim of Rabbi Pinchus Gold has always been to help people get closer to the Lord. Here he shares with you all, 4 words of wisdom, which are necessary to have a rewarding life and getting closer to God.
- Hope- Never stop hoping. Hope with all your heart. Feel as if you already possess what you want and it will eventually come to you. The universe listens to everything, all you have to do is make sure that it hears you too. And it will realign according to your hopes.
- Kind- Be kind to all. Not only to your fellow humans but also to animals and every living creature. They are here for a reason. They play their part just like you play yours. Our job is to live in peace together. Our earth is to be shared, not possessed.
- Faith- Have faith in the almighty. Faith is a very underrated thing today. You may pray to God when you are in trouble, but that is not faith. Having faith in the Lord is to know that everything is His will. And whatever happens to you is His decision. And He has plans for you. Trust him and good things will be on your way.
- Giving- Try to give whenever you can. You possess nothing. You have come to this world empty-handed and leave it empty-handed too. Sharing is the only way to live a life blissfully. “You do not have to be a rabbi like me”, says Rabbi Pinchus Gold, “you are the Lord’s people, give to others and the Lord will give to you.”
These 4 words
of wisdom by Pinchs
Gold will help you lead a better
life. Keeping these 4 words in mind will give your life meaning and you will be
able to experience a much better life, one that you truly deserve.